Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I had micro fracture knee surgery in September. I was on crutches for 6 weeks with no weight allowed on my left leg. It sucked. I am now in recovery mode. I can only ride a bike for six months. No cardio. No elliptical. Just bike. Oh yeah. I tried to go to the gym at my work after work but it didn't workout. Tried to go in the morning but that didn't work either. Finally decided I would buy an exercise bike from Craigslist and exercise at night. But before I spent money my. Fsthe in law saved the day. He is letting me borrow his bike rack (see picture). Now I have no excuses ....well almost none. Still need a new bike seat. Can't have my tushy in pain.

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011


This year Lincoln is playing nfl flag football for his school. There are 18 kids ranging from k to 3rd grade. The coach tries to play all the kids some but the good kids more than others. Lincoln is pretty athletic but doesn't yet get the game of football. He is the blitzer and play some. As long as he is having fun I could care less about him playing a lot or them winning.

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Monday, October 31, 2011


Love trick or treating with good friends. Lincoln snagged 95 pieces of candy tonight. Yea he made me count. He was cute enough to say there was no way he could eat it all before next Halloween. Love that he understands that all that sugar will not make it into his body over the next several days/weeks.

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Sunday, October 30, 2011



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Real steel.

A robot boxing movie with hugh jackman and Evangeline Lilly. Yeah. Awesome.

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Weekend of sick

Little man woke up Thursday night throwing up. Missed his 1st day of school on Friday. Thwarted our planed afternoon date. Saturday I cleaned the kitchen inside and out. It felt good to be productive. Lincoln had a fever most of the day but was finally on the mend by sunday. But now Dan is sick with a cold.
Dans dad came over and watched Lincoln so we could go see real steel. It was enjoyable. I think Dan got even sicker.

My knee is on the mend. I am going to start trying to work out daily and blog. I went to kohls today and was annoyed that nothing looked even semi decent on me. I know it is because I haven't seriously worked out since February when I hurt my knee. I need to make some changes. Change 1. Work out more. Change 2. Blog more. Change 3. Play with photos more.

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

11 years

Friday my hubs and I celebrate 11 years of marriage. Hard to believe it has been that long or I am that old. There has been way more good times than bad even if the bad were pretty yucky. I feel like we are in a good place and ready to push forward together for even more years to come.

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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Random pics

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I have now officially bribed my kid. He wants a nintendo dsi. I want him to sleep in his bed thru the least on occasion. We are currently averaging zero times a week. In fact, he often crawls into our bed as early as 12:30. I know he is in the bed because of us. We are lousy at forcing him to stay in his bed. In all honesty the reason for this is two fold 1) I am just too lazy to walk him back to his bed and 2) I don't mind the little furnace sleeping near me. When asked why he comes in every night he replies because he likes being with his family and our bed is comfy. In fact today when we were discussing if we should put Bailey's 2nd crate in his room or ours he said ours since he is there every night anyway. Totally true.

So the bribe. Sleep 7 nights without coming to our bed and he gets a dsi. At the rate we are going he will be a teenager before the bribe works.

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Me: grandpa Larry and grandma Janie are moving to Oklahoma.
Lt: is that on earth?

Me(in my head): good question.

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Friday, May 13, 2011


Got a really cute puppy couple weeks ago. Lincoln loves him. But it has been a long time since I have had a puppy. I forgot the teething experience.

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Got a really cute puppy couple weeks ago. Lincoln loves him. But it has been a long time since I have had a puppy. I forgot the teething experience.

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Thursday, May 12, 2011

35 test

Blogging from my phone. Let's see if this works.

Lt told me last night that he had a great time playing Mario kart with me. Made my day since normally he only wants to play with dan. Yeah. It is true. Dan was at school so I was the only option. Ignoring that fact

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

36 - life

Is sometime a little hectic. Worked from 4am to 7pm yesterday. Got home to put little man to bed. He can light up a day. We have a hearing appt on the 25th. And I have the 1st week of June for stay cation. Pretty excited about that. And now off to work again

Pictures by the weekend.

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Monday, May 9, 2011

37 - hearing

Lincoln needs hearing aids. Yup. You read that right. Hearing aids. On and off for the past two years I have wondered about his hearing but in the end always chalked I up to being a kid with selective hearing. In november he had his only ear infection with us. The doctor said he had a hole in his ear bit that it should clear up after the infection was gone. Last month lt's teacher said she thought he might have a hearing issue. So we took him in. The surgeon said he had a hole and that there was scarring and that surgery was more successful at 7 or 8 and sent him to an audiologist to determine his hearing loss

The audiologist said lincoln was amazing. Yup. Know that. He is moderately deaf in his left ear and mildly in his right. It was sad and scary to see how outside the normal range he is. And to think it might have been this way for the past 2 1/2 years. To put it in perspective he is outside the range of hearing the differences between most letters. If a noise is behind him he can't differentiate where exactly it is coming from. It a crowd gets noisy he can't differentiate the sounds and it will be overwhelming to him. A hearing impaired kids tends to be super tired at night because his brain has worked so hard to process sounds all day long. Well that explains so much. Poor little man.

I know it won't be a big deal once we get used to a routine of having to wear them day in and day out. But I am not looking forward to it. I don't want an added thing in our routine. I should shush tho because I talked to lt this evening about them and he said ok. He said he would be happy because he would be able to hear. Isn't that what it is about. Him hearing and him being happy.

And yes I did tell the principal again how much his teacher Rocks!

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Sunday, May 8, 2011

38 days of blogging

There are 38 days till I am 36 years old. I am challenging myself to blog everyday till then. I miss blogging. There has been a lot going on but honestly the idea if catching everyone up is a little overwhelming. So, I will do it slowly over the next 38 days.

Here are some highlights I am sure I will blog about.
My husband quit his job to go to school full time
Lincoln and school
Lincoln and his hearing
Our trip to Monterey
My knee
A new dog
My parents adventure.

Looking forward to updating.

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Thursday, March 3, 2011

No friends!

This past monday night the little man and I had a long evening. first we had gymnastics, then Costco, then home, bath, books, and bed. LT was TIRED! As we were reading books he decided to have a melt down about how he had no friends at school. This surprised me because he always says recess is his favorite part of the day but he was adamant. He was so sad that it made me sad...very sad! I told him to keep asking kids to play with him and I am sure they would. But, as I left his room I started wondering how much of this is true. I love my kid just as he is. But, to be honest, he is a little naive or slow on the up take. I believe that as he gets older and understands human nuances more he will be fine but I could see how kids may be frustrated by him sometimes. I wondered how much being adopted plays a part in this.

Fast forward today. I ran into his wonderful teacher and asked if little man had any friends. Her response, "oh yah". He plays with different kids all the time. She then went on to tell me that she hears this all the time from all of the kids, even the most social. She said that kids don't understand the term friend yet and that one little thing and they say they have no friends. Whew! Not adoption related. Not LT related. Just kid related. I can handle that.

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Monday, February 21, 2011

Family picture

We went to see The Young Abe Lincoln yesterday. It was really enjoyable. Little man didn't get most of it but that is okay he will at some point. I actually think LT is several months behind the average 5 1/2 yr old when it comes to understanding stories, movies, plays, etc. He is a very literal kid and so life nuances are hard for him to get. But he will. He just needs time.

We also had some big changes this past week. Mostly thanks to my dad, little man is now going to sleep on his own. no mom sitting outside his room. There is still a little crying by him but not long and definitely ok. Whoo hoo.

I can also now sync my photos to my iPad and thus easier blog posting.

I am on a roll.

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Monday, February 7, 2011


Well I am still frustrated with my blogging. I have it in my head that I shouldn't blog without pictures but getting pics on my iPad has been slow coming. I know I should still blog. Here are a couple of short things about little man
1) he is rocking at school. So totally impressed with him
2) he is still very athletic. We are doing gymnastics right now. Little an is the only boy and even tho he tells me how much hee doesn't like girls he hasn't complained once.
3) when told that he dan get a skateboard after he learns to sleep without e outside his room he promptly said never mind to the skateboard.

And I get to see my parents this week. So happy about that.

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