Thursday, March 3, 2011

No friends!

This past monday night the little man and I had a long evening. first we had gymnastics, then Costco, then home, bath, books, and bed. LT was TIRED! As we were reading books he decided to have a melt down about how he had no friends at school. This surprised me because he always says recess is his favorite part of the day but he was adamant. He was so sad that it made me sad...very sad! I told him to keep asking kids to play with him and I am sure they would. But, as I left his room I started wondering how much of this is true. I love my kid just as he is. But, to be honest, he is a little naive or slow on the up take. I believe that as he gets older and understands human nuances more he will be fine but I could see how kids may be frustrated by him sometimes. I wondered how much being adopted plays a part in this.

Fast forward today. I ran into his wonderful teacher and asked if little man had any friends. Her response, "oh yah". He plays with different kids all the time. She then went on to tell me that she hears this all the time from all of the kids, even the most social. She said that kids don't understand the term friend yet and that one little thing and they say they have no friends. Whew! Not adoption related. Not LT related. Just kid related. I can handle that.

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