Monday, February 21, 2011

Family picture

We went to see The Young Abe Lincoln yesterday. It was really enjoyable. Little man didn't get most of it but that is okay he will at some point. I actually think LT is several months behind the average 5 1/2 yr old when it comes to understanding stories, movies, plays, etc. He is a very literal kid and so life nuances are hard for him to get. But he will. He just needs time.

We also had some big changes this past week. Mostly thanks to my dad, little man is now going to sleep on his own. no mom sitting outside his room. There is still a little crying by him but not long and definitely ok. Whoo hoo.

I can also now sync my photos to my iPad and thus easier blog posting.

I am on a roll.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Monday, February 7, 2011


Well I am still frustrated with my blogging. I have it in my head that I shouldn't blog without pictures but getting pics on my iPad has been slow coming. I know I should still blog. Here are a couple of short things about little man
1) he is rocking at school. So totally impressed with him
2) he is still very athletic. We are doing gymnastics right now. Little an is the only boy and even tho he tells me how much hee doesn't like girls he hasn't complained once.
3) when told that he dan get a skateboard after he learns to sleep without e outside his room he promptly said never mind to the skateboard.

And I get to see my parents this week. So happy about that.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad